1) Acting is something which comes from inside you, but that doesn’t mean you have to be the son or daughter of an actor. You cannot learn acting. You need to be confident and have faith in yourself and your abilities.
2) You can be anyone, whether filmy or non-filmy. You need to have a burning desire to act. When I was a child, people use to call me nautanki because I would spend hours in front of the mirror, imitating other people. I guess that has helped me a lot.
3) To be an actor, it is very important for you to understand and get into the mind of the character you are playing. So, you need to have a lot of experiences in life or observe people and know them, so that you can imitate their behavior for a role.
4) I make friends with my co-stars when we are shooting for a movie, to create chemistry on screen. That equation also depends on how close our characters are on screen.
5) Lastly, it is important to be fit and look good. Exercise and weight loss always make you look and feel good, and it should be done the right way. Make-up is not the most important thing for a character and should be done accordingly. You must do all that you can to be true to the character. For instance, in No One Killed Jessica, I have used foul language, because that is how Meera talks. I did not think for one minute about how my image would be affected. As an actor and star, I have to do what is important for my character.
Source: starbox
Rani mukherjee