Adam Levine: I Want Kids in "7 or 8 Years" -
The Voice coach tells Piers Morgan about his desire to become a dad.

7 Minutes in Heaven With Kristen Wiig Inside A Closet, For Real ...
Saturday Night Live scribe Mike O'Brien is a funny dude, so it was probably no question for Kristen Wiig (and Elijah Wood and Andy Cohen) to agree to being.

Top 20 Tweets of the Week 7/30/2011 - Tweets Of The Week ...
140 characters from Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Chris Brown, Nicki Minaj and 16 more music makers this week.

Bottom line annual Windows Phone 7 and Windows Mobile revenue ...
Microsoft doesn't provide details about revenue from Windows Phone 7. But some clever calculations by Seattle PI found that revenue from Windows Phone 7 and Windows Mobile for the fiscal year 2011 was $613 million at ...

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