Apple's iPad is considered as a computing revolution. It has been a subject of debates about the future of technology and media. It has made a great impact on the minds of people. Having being such a device, its really expensive too. The iPad costs from $500 to $850 depending on difference in Wi-Fi, 3G and Storage Capacity. It is one of the best sellers. nearly 2 million pieces were sold within 2 months of its official release.
The iPad comes with a 9.7-inch display, a 1024x768 resolution, LED backlighting, a fingerprint reader with a capactive touch and scratch resistant oleophobic coating. For the Non 3G version, it weighs 680g, and 730g for the 3G version. It has a 1 GB, A4 Apple processor and it comes in three ranges of capacity, i.e, 16, 32, and 64 GB. It has a 2.1+EDR and a 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi for better internet connectivity. The iPad has a digital compass. There's also a GPS onboard in the 3G version and both versions have an ambient light censor and accelerometer. It also has a built-in microphone and a built-in speaker. The iPad ressembles a large iPhone and more likely to an iPod Touch. Its not super heavy but it does has a healthy solidness to it.
The iPad is running a modified version of the iPhone that is OS 3.2. It has some new user interface additions. It is upgradable upto OS 4.0. The software used in the iPad has only a few changes from the iPhone software. The common change is the modification of the apps for this size screen.
Every installed application has been upgraded and recoded for the larger screen. Some of the notable iPad apps iclude Safari for a better internet experience, Mail, Calendar, Youtube, iPod, iTunes, App store, Maps, Notes, Books, Spotlight search etc. Most of the applications used in the iPad are the modified and upgraded forms of the apps used in the iPhone.
Like any other gadget, it has some drawbacks as well. The modern generation computer without a camera is incomplete. Yes, the iPad doesn't has any built-in camera. This device doesn't supports Flash also, which is also a big drawback. Multi-tasking is not accessible. Browsing without listening to the music, sounds pathetic. Some other failures of this device include the unavailability of USB Ports and storage capacity limitations. Thats a nightmare.
Although the iPad has some failures and drawbacks, it is still a computing revolution. The technology will continue to advance and we will definitely see yet another remarkable device, possibly in the near future.
apple ipad