The Commercial Sector; comprises of individuals and enterprises assosiated with the profession of catching and selling fish to make an income.
The Traditional Sector; comprises of individuals and enterprises associated with resources form which primordial people elicit products in accordance with their traditions.
Australia is best known for its beaches and sea shores.The beach is an integral part of the Australian identity. Australia has 34,218 km of coastline excluding the offshore islands. The world's largest coral reef, "The Barrier Reef" lies to the north-east coast and extends for over 2000 km. A large portion of the population lives along the temperate south-eastern coastline, which includes the metropolitans like Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane.
Australia can be considered as one of the best places in the world for fishing and related adventures. Fishing is one of the favorite sports of the people residing here in Australia, as well as tourists coming from across the globe. Fishing is fun to do, as it always has an adventure and while fishing in Australia, its experience is a lifetime opportunity. When planning a fishing experience, one must know that which type of fishing is suitable to the location. Saltwater fishing is a good experience on the shores of South Australia. It can be done on the shore, which is often said as sand fishing, or if you have a boat or jetty to get fish from the shore and relatively deeper water, the fishing experience would be much greater and fun because having a boat increases your chances of getting larger fish. At henly beach, you may catch sand crabs, garfish, tommy ruffs, whiting, squid and even sharks. Port Lincoln and some other parts of the Eyre peninsula in South Australia are great fishing spots.
Fly fishing is one of the oldest known methods of angling and catching fish, which has its own rules, traditions, techniques and skills. Its an acnient and distinct angling method which uses flies and a special type of fishing rod. North queensland is considered as the hot spot for fly fishing. Its getting an international reputation, very rapidly.
The coastal territories of Australia has remarkable offerings to the fishing adventure seekers. As it has one of the biggest coastlines in the world, it has much to offer to its approachers. So, if you are planning to go a dream destination for fishing, do consider the shores of the fishing paradise, "Australia".